Shop Coffee
(189 Products)Choose coffee in bulk ground, pods, and other packaging
Choose among pots of coffee or single-cup brews to stock homes or offices. Select whole bean or ground roasts for carafe-style electric or hand-press brewers. If the office boasts a Keurig® or other type of single-cup coffee maker, choose from several types of coffee that work with your machine, from K-Cup® pods to cartridges, discs, freshpacks, and fraction packs. A variety of coffee bean roasts and flavors are also available in many different bulk-packaging options, including merchandiser, organizer, and storage containers.
Pots of filtered coffee
Auto-drip brewers are traditionally the most familiar way to prepare coffee. They contain a basket that accepts a separate filter for ground roasted coffee. The machine drips water into the basket, soaks the grounds, and turns it into liquid coffee that drips from the basket into a large pot or carafe, brewing several cups of coffee.
An extensive assortment of ground coffee is available with Arabica-bean varietals from the most distinctive coffee-growing regions around the world. Ground coffee comes in pre-packaged, 10-cup filterpacks or in 1.5- to 2.5-ounce fraction packs that go directly into the brew basket, yielding anywhere from 7 to 12 cups of coffee per carafe. Alternatively, use ground coffee to prepare brews manually using the French press or Turkish coffee methods.
Whole bean coffee in different varietals is available for the freshest of all coffee brews. Using a coffee grinder, choose an extra-fine, fine, regular, or coarse grind that best fits your tastes. The grinders, along with brewers, carafes, and presses, are part of a large family of coffee supplies that give you many options for preparing coffee to suit the preferences and needs of multiple employees.
Single cups of coffee
The huge popularity of Keurig machines in modern offices is easy to understand. With their dedicated water line plumbed directly into the brewer, they are super-fast, super-convenient, and cut out the hassle, mess, and waste of brewing a full pot when just one mug will do. They also give everyone in the office the option of choosing their favorite blend every time. From fancy flavors to strong black roasts, or even tea and hot chocolate, the mighty K-Cup reigns supreme.
Keurig-style machines, including TASSIMO T-Disc and Flavia® freshpack brewers, are available from other manufacturers as well, using ready-to-brew ground-coffee packets, pods, cartridges, or canisters. Many of the machines draw water from a large integrated reservoir for several single cups. Pop the packet into the brew basket, and close the lid. The lid pierces the packet top and bottom so the water can soak the grounds. Then press a button for the brew you want, whether regular or strong, and for the size cup or mug you’re using. Start the machine, and you’ll have a cup of coffee within minutes. Espresso machines for demitasse-size coffee servings also work the same way with small 0.25-ounce point-cartridge pods.
One cup or single-serving portions of coffee are also available as instant coffee in single-serve packets or spoon-serving jars. As the taste for a favorite bean grows ever more sophisticated, instant coffee has kept pace, and it’s no longer the unacceptable, watery old brew. Also available are bottled packages of chilled brewed coffee in 2-ounce shots and 8-ounce flavored drinks, as well as 8-ounce bottles of cold-brewed coffee, a process that takes more than 12 hours of cold-water steeping that many believe yields the best-tasting coffee.
Find the right flavors and roasts
Find the right coffee flavors for your office, choosing from Quill’s assortment of light, medium, and dark roasts enhanced with a variety of flavorings, such as vanilla and hazelnut. If your office has numerous employees, and clients visit it frequently, keep multiple flavors and roasts on hand to satisfy everyone. For smaller offices, ask employees what they like.
Some popular roasts include Colombian, Guatemalan, Hawaiian, French and Italian, and breakfast, house, and veranda blends. Cinnamon, salted caramel, mocha, and pumpkin spice are some other flavorings that manufacturers add to the blends. In addition, the Flavia Freshpack brewing system also prepares alternative beverages, including hot chocolate, cafe-style lattes and cappuccinos, and English breakfast teas. You can lighten the robust flavor of black coffee by using one of several types of milk and creamer packets.
Buy bulk coffee
Choose from light to dark roasts and add a variety of flavorings to ensure all your employees enjoy their coffee. Decaf coffee is also available, so you can accommodate employees and clients who want to avoid caffeine. Organic, kosher, and Fair Trade Certified™ coffee are other specialty products that some employees might prefer.
If you’re buying in quantity, the cost can stack up quickly. Quill offers discount K-Cup coffee in many varieties, including sampler packs and best-price Starbucks K-Cup pods. It’s a simple, affordable way to keep everyone happily caffeinated all day long. Some pods and packs are available in special merchandiser or organizer assortment packs, containing as many as 230 different products. Find other bulk options, including cartons of ground-coffee filter packs, 2-pound bags of whole-bean coffee, and 12-pack bottles and cans of prepared coffee.
Many name brands available
The wide assortment of coffee-preparation options, roasts and flavors, and bulk-packaging choices includes the most well-known names in coffee manufacturing. Besides the brands already mentioned, the list includes:
- Folgers®
- Maxwell House
- Dunkin'® Donuts
- Peet's Coffee®
- Eight O'Clock®
- Green Mountain Coffee Roasters™
- Copper Moon® Coffee
- Alterra®
- Gevalia
- Melitta®
Check out Quill for its vast supply of coffee, coffee machines, and supplies, and keep a good stock of great coffee on hand at all times.